Job Details
Global Help Desk in KL/クアラルンプールでのグローバルヘルプデスク
Global Help Desk in KL/クアラルンプールでのグローバルヘルプデスク
IT Help Desk
2021-09-24 09:33:31
Working from KL for supporting Japanese Customers
Language/English – Intermediate
- Must read English Documents for T&T and can translate them in Japanese. Language /Japanese – Intermediate
- Must communicate with Non-English field engineer and support their Onsite by Phone and Emails in Japanese. Technical support is not required.
- High quality Communication skills in English and Japanese to build the good relationship between Customer Engineer and T&T Global support team of Customers
Required - Technical skills
- Use Microsoft office
- Check his/her human skills and communication skills rather than their work experience
- Supporting hours: 24 hours X 7 days
- Shifting – 8 hours working per day, 15-20 hours overtime per month.
- Work by Japanese calendar
Age: 20-30 if we could because many of them are in these generation
Gender: Female
Applicants: Malaysians or foreigners in Malaysia. Those who are interested in Japan.
Approach: An attitude of trying to solve problems. Also the attitude of activity seeking support from other members in order to solve problems.
Independent: A person who tries to find answer to based on own thoughts and experiences, rather than looking for the critical of judgment from manuals only
Theoretical: Have your own opinion and be able to explain the reasons behind the opinions Malaysians or foreigners in Malaysia. Those who are interested in Japan.
Bold: An attitude that enjoys change and is willing to confront to change when it occurs. A growth mind: Have a deep – rooted desire to grow every day
Consistency: An attitude to get through the adversity
・Strong skills in interfacing and communicating with multiple stakeholders by email and phone at the same time.
・Experience in responding to customers with a lot of tools, mails, calls and chats under a fast-pace and high-pressure environment.
・Able to coordinate people with different level of customers and find better solutions that can convince them.
・Ability to meet the very limited deadline in less than an hour.
・Good at setting priorities effectively at many tasks and executing a series of the tasks simultaneously. ・Strong skills in envisioning what to do next while you are working on a task.
・Self-driven to accomplish urgent and emergency tasks with result oriented and solving problem attitude. ・Highly-motivated to learn new things but never be self-centered mind, who can work with other members in a harmony way.
・Maintain yourself calmly no matter what kind of situation is.
・Personality that can adopt to a variety of people and each of people’s traits, Respecting their character.
言語/英語 - 中級
- T&T用の英語ドキュメントを読み、日本語に翻訳できる方。 言語/日本語 - 中級
- 英語が話せないフィールドエンジニアと日本語でコミュニケーションをとり、電話やメールでオンサイトのサポートを行うことができる。テクニカルサポートは必要ありません。
- カスタマーエンジニアとT&Tグローバルサポートチームとの良好な関係を構築するために、英語と日本語での質の高いコミュニケーションスキルが求められます。
必須 - テクニカルスキル
- マイクロソフトオフィスの使用
- 実務経験よりも、ヒューマンスキルやコミュニケーションスキルを重視します。
性別 女性
応募者 マレーシア人またはマレーシア在住の外国人。日本に興味のある方。
理論的:自分の意見を持ち、その理由を説明できる人 マレーシア人やマレーシアに住む外国人。日本に興味がある人。
大胆であること 変化を楽しみ、変化が起きたときにはそれに立ち向かう姿勢。 成長心がある。日々成長したいという願望を根強く持っていること