Min Year or Exp |
Responsibilities |
Mandatory Skills |
Optional Skills |
8 Years and min 1-year experience with IBM Watson Solutions |
Develop secure software components that can be reused for building multigrained services. Responsible to develop and implement best governance and ensure to align with framework patterns. Explore and analyze structured, unstructured, internal, external documents and patterns that improve decision-making.
Java (1.8), Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Mule ESB, Elasticsearch, JPA /Hibernate, MongoDB, Hazelcast, Kafka, Oracle (PL /SQL), REST APIs, JSON /YML, Confluence/Jira /Bitbucket or Git, CI / CD (Maven, Git, Jenkins), Eclipse or Intelij IDEA, and Agile development. Familiarity with managing both legacy and microservice architectures. IBM Watson Explorer Platform support, application configuration, monitoring, application security, archiving, backups. |
Java 10, Go, Spring Batch, Cloud, Netflix Stack (ribbon, eureka, hystrix), Mule APIKIT/ Kong API Gateway, ELK stack (Kibana, filebeat, logstash), Cassandra, Redis, RabbitMQ, PostrgesSQL, MySQL, CQRS, Reactive APIs, XML, smile, cbor, Gradle, Ansible, Spring STS, Anypoint Studio, Junit, Sonar, Robo3t, SQL Developer/ SQL IDE Experience in event driven architectures (CQRS and SAGA patterns). |